Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is my data protected?

    All the contact information you provide is used only for automated communication. Writers don't get access to it. We use the latest encryption software, and assign both our writers and customers with anonymous IDs to make sure that your personal data is safe.

  • When is my paper ready?

    We guarantee that it will be completed by the indicated deadline. We strive to make our cooperation as beneficial as possible, so in most of cases you will receive your essay even before the deadline. You need to remember that the minimum turnaround time is 8 hours, so try to place your order beforehand.

  • How will my paper be delivered?

    When it is finished, we will send you a notification, asking to log into your personal account to download your file.

  • Is my paper original?

    You can be sure that every paper we complete contains no plagiarism and is thoroughly checked before being delivered. If any writer attempts to trick the system, we immediately stop using their services. We guarantee that every paper you receive is unique.

  • What if I am not satisfied with the result?

    Any time you feel like the paper you received doesn’t fit your requirements, you can opt for a revision. Our writers/editors will correct any mistakes/issues to make sure you like the result. You have 10 days to ask for free revisions after your initially-specified deadline.

  • Do you provide a refund?

    We do offer you a money-back guarantee in case you don’t like the result. Just read the Refund Policy section to see what options you have

  • Where are your authors from?

    We operate globally, as having an online service allows us to work with the most qualified writers from all parts of the world. We guarantee that they will provide quality results!

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